The business just unveiled the OneXPlayer 2’s design in a teaser video. The company will debut detachable controllers that resemble those used on Nintendo gaming systems. The new console will be powered by an AMD Ryzen 7 6800U CPU, much like the newly released OneXPlayer mini Pro, and there will also be a choice to go the intel route with a 13th-Gen i7 processor.
— OneXPlayer_Official (@OnexPlayer_) November 21, 2022 A significant improvement to the present product selection is OneXPlayer 2. Compared to earlier versions, the screen is substantially bigger, to begin with. An 8.4-inch screen with 2560×1600 resolution will be available on the next console, an improvement above the 7-inch 1920×1200 screen. This results in an increase in pixel density from 323 to 359 pixels per inch.
Additional features include twin speakers with Harman tuning certification, 4096-level handwriting, and the distinctive orange ambient light of the series. According to the OneXPlayer’s specifications, we may anticipate a kickstand akin to the Nintendo Switch at the bottom of the console and a keyboard dock connection. On the rear, there should be a fingerprint sensor and volume buttons. The I/O on the top of the console will likely have a microphone-headphone combination connection, two USB-C ports, a microSD card slot, and a USB 3.0 connector. Preorders for the OneXPlayer 2 console, which won’t be released until next year, will begin on November 25, according to OneXPlayer. Although the hardware of the console may be superior to that of the Steam Deck, OneXPlayer consoles are more expensive than Valve’s products. We anticipate that the portable will be marketed to gamers who prioritize mobility above actual pricing.